Real time pricing, secure transactions

Forward Exchange Rates.

Forward exchange rates are all about reducing risk and can be used by both companies and individuals.

A forward contract allows you to lock-in an exchange rate for international currency transactions that have a payment date days, weeks or months ahead.

This is known as a ‘hedging’ strategy and this service is available to both businesses and individuals who can forward-plan their transfers.

  • select a desired Date of Conversion before requesting a quote
  • lock-in an exchange rate for a payment date up to a year ahead
  • pay just 5% deposit upfront, settling the balance on the due date


Exchange rates move up and down constantly and can become either more or less favourable over time, so do bear this in mind when fixing a forward exchange rate.  This option is attractive, however, if:


  • you want to know the exact amount you will pay
  • you want more clarity and no variables in your cash flow planning
  • you don’t want shortfall shocks that could hit your pocket



Registering for an account with Currencycloud is simple-to-do and will take just a few minutes of your time. It’s free to register and we just have to go through the steps that financial services regulation requires. Start the process now and begin your journey towards international bank transfer savings.

Contact Us

T. Enquiries: +44 (0) 113 451 0180  E.


CurrencyWave Ltd
1200 Century Way, Thorpe Park,   Leeds, LS15 8ZA, United Kingdom

Payment Provider

The Currency Cloud
The Steward Building, 12 Steward Street, London, E1 6FQ, United Kingdom

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